Winning Hoops is the most trusted resource among basketball coaches with decision-making authority, with 84% of its readership relying on this publication to help guide important purchasing decisions.

84% of readers influence buying decisions

Who's reading Winning Hoops?

Winning Hoops’ readership spans all levels of play, from AAU team volunteers through professional basketball coaches at the highest level of play. Nearly 83 percent of Winning Hoops subscribers represent the public and private school sectors, with the balance comprised of youth, collegiate and professional coaching rosters.

"Coach & A.D. and Winning Hoops have been tremendous resources for us to reach our target audience in a meaningful way. As the industry continues to evolve they've certainly helped increase our visibility, credibility, and brand for many years."

- Nick Bartlett, Airborne Athletics

“Working with Coach & A.D. and Winning Hoops has been great. Our full-page and marketplace ads have been particularly successful reaching our target demographic. Higher education has cyclical demand trends, and Winning Hoops is always insightful and flexible in getting our ads in the right issues.”

- Craig Meinhart, Ball State University